Debt Records is an independent record label based in Manchester, UK.
Our artists include Honeyfeet, Walk, Felix Hagan & The Family, Alabaster dePlume, Snowapple, Louis Barabbas & The Bedlam Six, Richard Barry, Ivan Campo, Becca Williams, T.E. Yates and Roxby’s Wonky Disco.
In the past we have also released records by Bridie Jackson and The Arbour, Danny Mahon, John Fairhurst, Monkey Poet Matt Panesh and Red Tides.
Debt Records is a label happy to admit that the music industry responsible for giving the Twentieth Century its formidable soundtrack is now changing irreversibly. Indeed, no one can accurately forecast what will emerge from this chrysalis.
In such a climate all a label can do is give itself up to making truly immortal music while we all wait for the declining album sales to either right themselves or bring on a further and final metamorphosis.
Though we lionize all who seek to purchase the music in our catalogue, we do not scorn those press-ganged into piracy. We enthusiastically encourage the copying and lending of our releases. After all, we’d be fools to try and stop it. Please note, however, that all money received does go straight to the artists – there are no executives creaming off a percentage here.
None of the cats at Debt Records are fat.
This is a company that never chases money over content: we trust that our signings know better than the marketplace about the secrets of musical alchemy – we merely do our best to provide the environment, resources and support necessary to make this happen. We firmly believe that live performance is the only truly lasting musical format, with memory being our sharpest stylus. That said, we are dedicated to releasing unique and spectacular records in whatever presentation science recommends at the time.
We don’t care about what sells, we care about what survives… And, at this rate, it sure as hell won’t be the music industry as we currently recognise it.
Idealistic? Yes.
Naïve? Absolutely not.
Live Music

As well as making records, we curate live events – from free gigs at small cafés and bars in our native Manchester to festival stages around the country. Each session is recorded live. There are no genre rules here, but the vetting is severe. These events are frequently filmed to safeguard the future of our personal mythologies.
Recorded Music

Our technical department is run by WR Audio, a versatile mobile recording rig that can record anything from small acoustic sessions to entire orchestras.
For further enquiries into the technical specifications or to get a quote for a recording session, email us via our contact form and use the subject header STUDIO.
Debt Records Directors
Louis Barabbas
Artistic Director
Biff Roxby
Artist Management
Daniel Watkins
Technical Director and Studio Engineer
Gemma Foxcroft
Events Manager